Occupational Medicine Specialty Exam V5
3-24-3020 New Release. The OccMed Specialty program prepares you for the Occupational Medicine Specialty exam offered by the ABPM. The 560+ questions, answers and explanations cover the 3 main topics on the exam. Read More...
Online Programs will work on internet connected devices (computers, tablets, smartphones, etc.) running any of the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Opera, and Edge.
Downloadable and CD Programs will work on devices running Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 or 10. You need 150 MB to download a program and 20 MB of permanent disk space after installation. Internet access is initially needed to register the program. The program will only install on one computer.
- Users
- 0 - 2
- 3 - 5
- 6 - 8
- 9 - 11
- 12 - 100
- 90
- $269.00/user
- $242.10/user
- $228.65/user
- $215.20/user
- $201.75/user
- 120
- $284.00/user
- $255.60/user
- $241.40/user
- 180
- $299.00/user
- $269.10/user
- $254.15/user
- $239.20/user
- $224.25/user
- Users
- 0 - 2
- 3 - 5
- 6 - 8
- 9 - 11
- 12 - 100
- 270
- $349.00/user
- $314.10/user
- $296.65/user
- $279.20/user
- $261.75/user
- 365
- $399.00/user
- $359.10/user
- $339.15/user
- $319.20/user
- $299.25/user